Mission: The Common Wealth Kitchen Incubator is a shared-use commercial kitchen in Youngstown that aims to lower the cost for starting or expanding local food businesses. We aim to help folks create jobs working with food we love and helping NE Ohio create food security and promote economic development. Partnerships in the community will be key in this effort as well as rebuilding our local food chain.

The kitchen incubator is an ongoing project started by Common Wealth Inc. in 2009.
Common Wealth is a non-profit community development organization that got its start in
the housing market over 25 years ago. Today, the focus includes rebuilding the local food
economy through farmers' markets, a food co-op, healthy food kiosks and now
the kitchen incubator. All these elements are part of Common Wealth's Lake-to-River Food
Hub and will be tied together through a new branding campaign called the 30 Mile Meal, a
program adopted from Athens, OH, aimed at increasing awareness of the availability of
local food and creating a network between local growers and buyers.

After purchasing the incubator property in 2009, remodeling was quickly underway to
convert the building into a commercial-grade production kitchen. While this is a multiphase
project, the facilities currently include a certified shared-use kitchen and processing areas
& convection ovens as well as cold, frozen and dry storage. Our most current project is the
installation of a canning line and large commercial refridgeration and freezer units!
Rental rates vary depending on how often an individual wishes to use the kitchen
and storage space is also available to rent at affordable prices. The kitchen incubator will also
provide consultants to assist clients with business planning and marketing efforts.
Check out our plans for expansion!
The incubator is open to producers interested in baked goods, catering, sauces and salsa, jams and jellies, canned goods, condiments, value-added produce, pasta, dry mixes, fruits and berries, beverages and other specialty or gourmet goods.

If you're interested in starting your own food business, using local products, or getting involved with the Kitchen Incubator please contact us!